Install SQLite on Ubuntu 20.04

SQLite Ubuntu

SQLite is a lightweight, serverless, self-contained SQL database engine that doesn't require a separate server process. Here's how you can install SQLite on Ubuntu 20.04:

Open a Terminal:

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal window.

Update Package Lists:

It's a good practice to start by updating the package lists to ensure you have the latest information about available packages:

sudo apt update

Install SQLite:

You can install SQLite by running the following command:

sudo apt install sqlite3

This command will install the SQLite package along with the command-line interface.

Verify Installation:

After the installation is complete, you can verify it by checking the SQLite version:

sqlite3 --version

This will display the installed SQLite version.

Access SQLite:

You can start an interactive session with SQLite by simply running:


This will open the SQLite shell where you can start working with databases.

To exit the SQLite shell, you can type .exit.

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