Install GCC(C and C++ Compiler) on Ubuntu 20.04

GCC C++ C Ubuntu

Install GCC(C and C++ Compiler) on Ubuntu 20.04 by following these steps.

To install the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), which includes C and C++ compilers, on Ubuntu 20.04, you can use the following steps:

Update the Package Lists:

Open a terminal and run the following command to update the package lists:

sudo apt update

Install GCC: To install the GCC package, which includes the C and C++ compilers, run the following command:

sudo apt install build-essential

The build-essential package includes essential tools and libraries for building software on Ubuntu, including GCC.

Verify the Installation: After the installation is complete, you can verify that GCC is installed by checking the version:

gcc --version

This command should display information about the installed GCC version.

Install G++ (C++ Compiler): If you specifically need the C++ compiler (g++), you can install it separately with the following command:

sudo apt install g++

Verify the G++ Installation: Verify that g++ is installed by checking its version:

g++ --version

This command should display information about the installed g++ version.

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